Welcome to Petals and Polkadots

Hi there and welcome to Petals and Polka-dots! I’m so glad you stopped by and I’m so excited to officially start this blogging journey. My name is Leanne and I love creating warm, inviting, pretty spaces to live in and share with others. I get excited to find new ways to decorate, create and DIY while staying within an affordable budget, leaving me with a space that showcases my personality and unique style.
Through-out the pages of Petals and Polka-dots you will find styling tips, DIY’s and inspiration for the home, seasonal décor and celebrations, delicious bites both from my kitchen as well as some favorite spots out and about, and of course travelling around places near and far.
I love to create and be artistic from giving something old, new life, to creating beautiful eats in the kitchen, to making a room lovely and inviting, to capturing a photo to share. Most of all I believe in creating a house that is a home, a place that brings you happiness when you enter and joy through every space. I hope that when you visit here you may find something that inspires you, most of all I’m glad you popped by!

Looks absolutely amazing
Thank you so much Shona! I’m so happy with how it all turned out!