That Time We Travelled … {Part 3*San Francisco, CA}
Hey there! I’m back with part 3 of my California Travel series, if you would like to catch up you can read part one here and part two here. This time we will visit some more iconic places in San Francisco, including the famous painted ladies, the golden gate bridge and a little stop at the palace of fine arts. First up lets head to the Painted Ladies!

The day we visited Alamo Square park for our view of the famous row of Victorian houses it was really over cast and gloomy, the only upside was the park and street in front of the painted ladies was quite empty so we had our choice of spot on the lawn, to sit and take in the Seven Sisters and yes a certain song played through my mind as I imagined the opening credits for none other than Full House. The details and colours chosen for each house really make them stand out, yet makes each one a little different, I am glad we took the time to pop by here to take some snaps of these pretty Painted Ladies.

Just down from the painted ladies, we came across another pretty set of Victorian homes, which I must admit I was more drawn to. Although they may not be famous as the sisters on postcard row, I just loved the colours, the different designs and architectural elements, like check out the detail on the apartment building too seriously the cutest!

I just loved the design and detail on these ones, and I would happily live in any of them! After the painted ladies we headed to Bakers Beach to check out none other than the Golden Gate Bridge. It was too bad it was such a gloomy day, with such low cloud cover as the bridge looked like it was disappearing into the clouds. I still loved the ominous views and crashing waves.

While we were here there were hawks flying around overhead in the hills off the beach, just look at all the patterns on this guy so amazing and they just soar so smooth and freely.

On one side of the beach it is just open skies and the bridge in the distance, then on the other you can see the rows and rows of houses all nestled together, can you imagine living here and waking up to the view of the beach with the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance.

Even though it was a cloudy day it was nice to just sit on the rocks, relax and listen to the waves crashing is there anything better? We were able to head out for a second chance at seeing the bridge one morning, this time from the opposite side at Golden Gate Beach. We grabbed coffee and pastries along with a couple of souvenirs from the cute little Warming Hut Bookstore and Café and this day we were lucky enough to catch blue skies and an incredible view of the Golden Gate Bridge!

Next we headed to The Palace of Fine Arts another iconic spot in San Francisco. This faux palace is neo-classical in design, surrounded by a pond that is home to swans. Seriously I felt like I needed to say “paint me like one of your French girls”!!! Honestly though it is a really pretty spot to visit, I loved all the intricate details and peacefulness with the lush greens, pond and flowing fountain.

One of the swans just gracefully swimming around, and if you really looked we even saw quite a few turtles.

Cherry blossom season has to be one of my favourites next to peony season, I loved seeing these delicate pink blooms growing on either side of these huge columns and archways looked so beautiful.

The details and intricacy under the rotunda was one of my favourite parts, the pictures don’t even do it justice or show there sheer size of the entire palace.

I don’t know about you but when I visit a place I always imagine what it would be like to live there, and if I did this spot at The Palace of Fine Arts I could definitely see myself coming to with a coffee and a good book to just relax and spend a morning! Next time we will head to Hyde Park, Lombard street, China town and also explore a little of San Francisco at night.
Till then …

Looks Beautiful and very relaxing, I felt like I was there with you!