Garden Binder
I don’t know about you but I was definitely not born with a green thumb, I have to follow instructions and refer back to help any plants that hit our yard, have a fighting chance! I must say though the last two years I have had much better luck, and even after the high temps we have had the plants are thriving. To help me stay on top of plant care, fertilizing, watering and pruning I made up a garden binder to keep everything in one place and not having to dig through all of the little tags each plant came with. I thought I would share it with you, along with the downloads for the sheets I created, just in case like me you need a little help when it comes to the green thumb department!

I picked up this binder from Indigo, it was just too cute with the simple botanicals and I loved the muted pink colour, it also came with matching dividers, couldn’t be more perfect for this little project.

I then used my little P-Touch label maker to label all of the dividers, I love how clean and uniform it looks, and makes it easy to find what I am looking for.

I love this little label maker, it connects to your phone to design and print the labels, all while being so compact and convenient.

I divided my binder into Plant Profiles, Fertilizing Schedule, Pruning Schedule, Garden Planning and then I have extra tabs left for anything else that may pop up. I then designed sheets for each sections besides garden planning as that is just where I sketch out plans for the yard.

The Fertilizing and Pruning Schedules are very similar with a column for the plant name, when to fertilize/prune, what fertilizer to use/pruning level. I chose to use a separate sheet for Annuals, Perennials and Evergreens, as when I garden I like to take care of one group at a time, as their care is usually fairly similar.

The Plant Profile is a spot for all the information you would get on the little marker/tags you find in the plants at the nursey, plus I have added a notes section to jot down anything else that will help me in my quest to keep my garden alive!

I have included downloadable PDF files below for you to print off if you would like to put together your own binder {The fonts that I used were Darleston for the main title and Bunch Blossoms for all the remaining writing, which you may need to download/install before printing as sometimes the form will just print the next closest font on your device.}

I know having all this information on hand has really helped keep me organized when it comes to the garden. I hope whether you are like me and striving to get that garden thriving or you have a green thumb, I hope this little cute little binder inspires you!